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Published by at March 20th, 2024 , Revised On July 22, 2024

Modelling Vs Modeling: Differences & Examples

Modelling and modeling are both correct spellings with the same meanings. The only difference lies in their usage. Both words are present participle and gerund of the verb ‘model,’ which refers to creating a representation of something. It also relates to displaying something by wearing it. These words are similar to traveling vs. travelling, which have the same meaning, but usage depends on the region where you belong.

The correct spelling should be chosen depending on whether you use British English version or American English.

  • In British and Australian English, “modelling” with a double “l” is preferable and most common.
  • In American English, “modeling” with a single “l” is standard.

What is the Difference Between Modeling and Modelling

Modelling Modeling
Spelling Australia and UK US
Derived from Derived from the verb “to model” Derived from the verb “to model”
Definition The act of creating a model or system The act of creating a model or system
Pronunciation mo·dl mo·dl
  • Designed
  • Shaped
  • Formed
  • Depicted
  • Designed
  • Designed
  • Shaped
  • Formed
  • Depicted
  • Designed
  • Other Variants
  • Modelled
  • Modeller
  • Modeled
  • Modeler
  • Used as
  • Involves creating a representation for analysis, prediction, or design
  • Involves creating a representation used for visual or aesthetic purposes.
  • Refer to
  • Can refer to physical models or computer simulations.
  • Can also refer to creating models in fields such as economics or biology.
  • Can refer to posing for photographs or other visual depictions.
  • Can also refer to the process of creating a mathematical or statistical model.
  • Examples
  • Elsa is studying fashion modelling.
  • Whole cricket team is modelling the impact of climate change.
  • Elsa is studying fashion modeling.
  • Whole cricket team is modeling the impact of climate change.
  • Why ‘Modelling and Modeling’ is spelled with Single and Double ‘ls’  

    British and American English, the two main varieties of the English language, differ in small, fascinating, and often annoying ways. In the UK, Australia, and Commonwealth countries, “modelling” (with a double “l”) reigns supreme. It applies to both the act of creating a representation and the profession of showcasing clothing or products. One of these is the double l found in modeling. With the exception of the US, all English-speaking nations prefer this spelling.

    If you have a verb that ends with a vowel and an l, whenever you add a suffix that begins with a vowel, you double the ‘l’. That’s how we get ‘modelling’ with a double ‘l’ in the British English.

    In the same case, you wouldn’t double the l in American English. So, the word remains ‘modeling’ with a single ‘l’ and is widely used in American versions. So modelling becomes modeling with a single ‘l,’ travelling becomes traveling, and labelling becomes labeling. Therefore, there is no wrong word. Both words with single and double l are correct based on your regional preferences.

    When To Use Modelling Vs Modeling

    Even though the spelling varies depending on the geographic location, “modelling” and “modeling” are practically synonymous and refer to the process of coming up with a model. This representation can be used in various forms:

    • Physical models: These are solid constructions that resemble actual physical items, such as architectural models or anatomical models in the medical field.
    • Digital models: Computer applications are used in almost every field, and the use of computer models in design has become very common. They can range from simple replications of human faces or objects, such as game characters, to more sophisticated simulations of weather patterns.
    • Mathematical models: These are theoretical models in which certain variables are expressed in equations and symbols to represent real-life situations, such as economic rates of change or population increases.
    • Fashion model: It refers to the practice where people display garments and items for designers, photographers, or the public.

    Here are some examples to illustrate the usage:

    • Australian English: “She’s been modelling clay sculptures since childhood.”
    • American English: “The scientists are using advanced modeling software to predict climate change.”
    • Universal: “The economic model suggests a potential recession in the coming year.”

    Other Variations of Modeling or Modelling

    Modeled and Modelled 

    Modelled and modeled are another variant of modelling, which has the same meaning but differs in usage in other regions. Modelled and modeled ‘ed’ are past tense and past participle of the verb ‘model’. Their usage varies in the same as modelling and modelling with single and double ‘l’.

    In UK English, “modelled” is more commonly used.

    In US English, “modeled” with a single ‘l’ is correct.

    For Example: 

    Modelling Modeling
  • Albert modelled for a famous clothing brand
  • Ensa modelled the building using a computer program.
  • Albert modeled for a famous clothing brand
  • Ensa modeled the building using a computer program.
  • Modeler or Modeller

    Modeller and modeler with ‘er’ at the end are nouns that refer to the person who makes the model in physical or abstract form. Both words also relate to those who use models to determine the implication of the relevant model or piece. Their usage is the same as modeling and modelling which differs in Australian and US English. In UK English, “modeller” is more preferable and commonly used while in US English, “modeler” with single ‘l’ is correct.

    Here are some examples and usage of modeler or modeller in sentences

    Modeler-US English (Not typically used in British English) Modeller -UK English (Not typically used in American English)
  • The modeler created a 3D representation of the new product.
  • She is a talented modeler specializing in character design for video games.
  • As a data modeler, he analyzes and organizes data to support business decisions.
  • The modeler used advanced software to simulate the flight dynamics of the aircraft.
  • The modeller created a 3D representation of the new product.
  • She is a talented modeller specializing in character design for video games.
  • As a data modeller, he analyses and organizes data to support business decisions.
  • The modeller used advanced software to simulate the flight dynamics of the aircraft.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Both spellings, “modeling” and “modelling” are correct, but the preferred spelling depends on regional differences. In American English, “modeling” is standard, while in Australian English, “modelling” is preferred. They both refer to the same concept of representing or creating models, whether in fashion, art, or other fields.

    Modeling and modelling are different spellings of the present participle of the word “model/modell.” The spelling difference varies depending on whether you’re writing UK or US English:

    • In US English, “modeling” (with a single ‘l’) is standard.
    • In UK or Australian English, “modelling” (with double ‘l’) is correct.

    Modelling and modeling are present participles and gerunds of the verb ‘model.’ In British English, the correct spelling is “modelling.” This form follows conventions for adding the suffix “-ing” to verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel. Therefore, when referring to the activity of creating models, the preferred spelling is “modelling.”

    In Canada, the preferred spelling of the word is modelling, with a double ‘l’ referring to the activity of creating models as “modelling.” Canadian English often follows Australian spelling conventions rather than American ones, so “modelling” with double ‘l’ and ‘ing’ is the standard spelling used in Canada, consistent with Australian English usage.

    A “model” is an object, system, or concept used to represent something else, whereas “modeling” is the process or activity of creating, developing, or representing models. The former refers to the result, while the latter refers to the action of making or working with models.