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Published by at March 20th, 2024 , Revised On March 25, 2024

Modelling Vs Modeling: Differences & Examples

In the world of language, some variations like travelling vs traveling, can sometimes trip us up. One such example is the debate between “modelling” and “modeling.” Are they interchangeable? Does one hold more weight than the other? Let’s discuss this. 

DefinitionThe act of creating a model or systemThe act of creating a model or system
ExamplesShe is studying fashion modelling.
The team is modelling the impact of climate change.
She is studying fashion modeling.
The team is modeling the impact of climate change.

US Vs Australia

The primary difference between “modelling” and “modeling” lies in their regional preferences. Here is the breakdown:

  • British English: In the UK, Australia, and Commonwealth countries, “modelling” (with a double “l”) reigns supreme. It applies to both the act of creating a representation and the profession of showcasing clothing or products.
  • American English: Across the pond, “modeling” (with a single “l”) takes centre stage. It is the standard spelling for all situations, whether it is building a miniature airplane or strutting down a runway.


The story of “modelling” and “modeling” goes back centuries. The noun “model” itself emerged in the 16th century, pointing towards standard or pattern. The verb “to model” soon followed, signifying the act of creating something based on that standard.

Around the 17th century, the preferred verb form was “modelize.” However, by the 18th century, “model” (with one “l”) had firmly established itself in American English. Australian English, however, retained the double “l” in verb forms like “modelling.”

When To Use Modelling Vs Modeling

While spelling dictates regional preference, both “modelling” and “modeling” essentially convey the same meaning – the act of creating a representation of something. This representation can take various forms:

  • Physical models: These are three-dimensional objects that mimic real-world entities, such as architectural models or anatomical models used in medicine.
  • Digital models: With the rise of technology, computer-generated models have become ubiquitous. They can represent anything from 3D characters in video games to complex weather simulations.
  • Mathematical models: These abstract models use equations and symbols to depict real-world phenomena, like economic trends or population growth.
  • Fashion modelling: This refers to the profession where individuals showcase clothing and products for designers, photographers, and audiences.

Here are some examples to illustrate the usage:

  • Australian English:She’s been modelling clay sculptures since childhood.
  • American English: The scientists are using advanced modeling software to predict climate change.
  • Universal: The economic model suggests a potential recession in the coming year.

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Examples Of Modelling Vs Modeling

Modelling Modeling
She enjoys modelling for fashion magazines. He pursued a career in modeling for commercials.
The agency hired her for a modelling gig. The company needed someone with experience in data modeling.
He studied modelling techniques in art school. She’s attending a modeling workshop next week.
The architect presented his modelling of the new building. The software engineer specializes in database modeling.
The fashion show featured various modelling styles. He’s been interested in 3D modeling since childhood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both “modeling” and “modelling” are correct, but the preferred spelling depends on regional differences. In American English, “modeling” is standard, while in Australian English, “modelling” is preferred. They both refer to the same concept of representing or creating models, whether in fashion, art, or other fields.

In British English, the correct spelling is “modelling.” This form follows conventions for adding the suffix “-ing” to verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel. Therefore, when referring to the activity of creating models, the preferred spelling is “modelling.”

In Canada, the preferred spelling of the word referring to the activity of creating models is “modelling.” Canadian English often follows Australian spelling conventions rather than American ones, so “modelling” with double ‘l’ and ‘ing’ is the standard spelling used in Canada, consistent with Australian English usage.

A “model” is an object, system, or concept used to represent something else, whereas “modeling” is the process or activity of creating, developing, or representing models. The former refers to the end result, while the latter refers to the action of creating or working with models.