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Published by at March 21st, 2024 , Revised On March 26, 2024

Practice Vs Practise: Differences & Examples

The English language, for all its elegance and expressiveness, can be a tricky beast. Homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings) and near-homophones (“practise” and “practice”) can leave even seasoned writers scratching their heads.

This blog post tackles the difference between “practice” and “practise,” focusing on their usage in American and Australian English.

Practice (US)Practise (Australia)
Noun (activity)Art of doingThe actual activity
Verb (action)To carry out or performTo perform or engage in
ExampleShe practices humour.
He practises yoga.
Dental practice
Medical practise

Practice Vs Practise

Both “practice” and “practise” revolve around the concept of doing something repeatedly to improve a skill or engage in an activity habitually. However, the distinction lies in their part of speech.

  • Practice (noun): Refers to the act of doing something repeatedly to become better at it, a customary way of performing an activity, or the application of a concept or theory.


  • “Regular piano practice is key to mastering the instrument.” (Skill development)
  • “It is our practice to greet all customers with a smile.” (Customary way)
  • “The doctor emphasised the importance of good hygiene practices.” (Application of concept)

“Practice” as a noun can also carry additional meanings:

  • A particular profession or field of study: “She decided to pursue a career in medical practice.”
  • The customary way of doing something in a particular profession or field: “Following safe laboratory practices is crucial for scientists.”
  • A specific exercise or activity designed to develop a skill: “The teacher assigned a set of math practice problems for homework.”
  • Practise (verb): Means to perform an activity regularly to gain proficiency or to engage in a profession or activity habitually.


  • “She practises yoga every morning for relaxation.” (Gain proficiency)
  • “He practises law in a downtown firm.” (Engages in a profession)

The US Vs Australia Divide

Here’s where things get interesting: the preferred spelling for the verb form differs between American and Australian English.

  • American English: In the US, “practice” serves as both the noun and the verb. You will never encounter “practise” in formal American writing.

US Example: “The basketball team held daily practice sessions to prepare for the championship game.”

  • Australian (and British) English: These forms of English differentiate between the verb and noun. “Practice” remains the noun, while “practise” denotes the verb form.

Australian Example: “They practise their basketball skills every day after school.”

Other Variations

Other variations of practice vs practise follow similar rules. 

Practiced Vs Practised

“Practiced” is the past tense and past participle of the verb “practice” in American English and also an adjective. “Practised” is the past tense and past participle of the verb “practise” in British English. Example: “He practiced his skills daily.” vs “She practised her skills daily.

Practising Vs Practicing

“Practicing” is the present participle and gerund form of the verb “practice” in American English. “Practising” is the same form but used in British English. Example: “She is practicing her presentation.” vs “She is practising her presentation.

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Examples Of Practice Vs Practise

SentenceCorrect Usage
She diligently attends piano practice every afternoon.Practice
He needs to practise his golf swing more often.Practise
The doctor’s practice has been serving the community for years.Practice
Sarah’s daily meditation practice helps her stay calm.Practice
It’s essential to practise your presentation before the big meeting.Practise
She always strives to fulfil her potential through dedicated practice.Practice
You should practise your handwriting to improve legibility.Practise
Swimming is a great practice for improving cardiovascular health.Practice
The new teacher plans to practise different teaching methods.Practise
The ballet dancer’s daily practice regimen is intense.Practice
Before the concert, the band needs to practise their new song.Practise
The dental practice is known for its friendly staff.Practice
It’s crucial to practise your lines before the audition.Practise
Yoga is part of her daily practice for stress relief.Practice
Dr. Smith’s medical practice focuses on holistic wellness.Practice

Frequently Asked Questions

In British English, “practice” is a noun, referring to an action or habit, while “practise” is the corresponding verb form. In American English, only “practice” is used for both noun and verb forms.

Use “practice” as both a noun and a verb in American English. As a noun, it refers to a repeated exercise or activity. As a verb, it means to perform or engage in a repeated exercise or activity to improve skills or proficiency.

In American English, teachers practice (verb) their profession and engage in teaching practice (noun). In British English, teachers practise (verb) their profession and engage in teaching practise (noun). The spelling depends on the variant of English being used.

The purpose of practicing is to improve skills, develop proficiency, and reinforce learning through repetition and application. It helps individuals enhance their abilities, gain confidence, and achieve mastery in various disciplines, such as sports, music, academics, and more.

Classroom practice refers to the activities, methodologies, and strategies employed by teachers to facilitate learning in a classroom setting. It encompasses instructional techniques, assessment methods, classroom management approaches, and the implementation of curriculum to support student development and achievement.

A professional practice refers to the application of specialised knowledge, skills, and ethical standards within a particular profession or field. It encompasses the activities, responsibilities, and behaviours undertaken by professionals to serve clients, stakeholders, and society while upholding professional standards and values.